Peekers and Seekers

Friday, June 29, 2012

God said, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it;..."  I'm trying to fill the earth with my garden, but not doing the best job of subduing it.  Everyday I learn more about the craft of gardening, mostly from YOUTUBE.  And, I enjoy it all.
Today, I was thinking about Eve in her garden.  I guess God planted the first crops...and I bet His rows were perfectly straight.  In Genesis, chapter 1:11, God just spoke, actually commanded, and the earth in obedience produced a perfect garden.  Then the account says the plants of nature produced their own seeds, just like it is today, I guess.  Those must have been the seeds Adam used when planting for the first time.  Eve must have been thrilled to help in the garden, the orchards, and the vinyards.  Of course, they wouldn't know how to do it the first time, so I suppose God gave them lessons and demos.
I imagine the soil was so fertile that it produced abundantly.  What fun!  No need for MIRACLE GROW or pesticides.  Truly organic.
I'm already buying seeds for next year and hope to increase our garden size.

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