Peekers and Seekers

Monday, January 10, 2011

"...mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of 'em all?"

Please excuse my absence from blogging...don't have a really good reason to be away...

I was reading Job 42:15 this morning, and noted this:
Job had three daughters...they were the MOST beautiful in the country...and they were rich!  They had their own inheritance, which was unusual for daughters in those days.  Wow!  Can't you just see old Job (says he lived to be 140 yrs. old; twice what most men lived) holding down his pride about the girls??

I don't follow the celebs in the U.S., but sometimes I hear the name of the three Kardashian beautiful and famous they are today.  The Most beautiful in the land?  And rich!  And sought after!
I thought about if I was their parent...fielding the phone calls, TV offers, boys at the door at all hours...the trips to Target for make-up, to the Mall for fashions, teaching them each to drive as teens.....and although I have four lovely daughters, we didn't have to deal with talent scouts, paparazi, endorsements, etc.
Can you imagine??
And what about their Mom??  She had 20 - TWENTY kids in all over the years!  Poor thing must have been 'plum wore out'...
It was an asset to have lovely daughters in Job's day...she might bring a good price.  But, today an asset to some might become a headache to others (me).  My God made me and I'm thankful He didn't make me to be the Mom to a celeb.
Praise the Most-Wise God...His Name is YAHWEH.

copied from

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