Peekers and Seekers

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bumper sticker I saw this morning...

Wag more, Bark less.   cute.

I just finished one of the best books I've ever read...I especially like books that challenge me, more than books that only entertain.  This one CHASING FRANCIS by Ian M. Cron, is an unusual way of compiling a biography; this one is of St. Francis of Assisi.  Of course, it describes some history of the Catholic church and monasteries in the 1100-1200's.  Dry, you say?  Nope, super interesting...wish I'd known the guy personally.  Since I embrace Jesus, and he said he did, we'll probably be pals in the kingdom when I get there.
I bought it on Amazon for only $2.67 plus shipping...great deal.  (Ya gotta love Amazon!)

You know how there's times when we evangelicals are more arrogant than other times?  Ok, I'll speak only for myself...there was a day when I heard some say, "Oh, those Catholics...why don't they take Jesus OFF the cross?".  Maybe you've not heard that, but I have and with dripping piety I've thought or said it also.   This book makes me realize...Yes, the cross is empty now...bare of His body.  But, seeing the icons or jewelry with Him still hanging on the Cross reminds me of some of the price He paid for me.  It causes me to stop a moment and reflect on God giving up His only, perfect Son...of the charges against me erased, of a debt paid that I could never, in a million lifetimes pay...of Grace and Love that I can't even comprehend.  And I'm have renewed gratitude before I go on my way.
Thank You, Lord.

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