Uh, oh...I'm off on another 'rabbit trail'. Saw some verses today about taking the tithes into the STOREHOUSE. In Nehemiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, etc., and I got to thinking about what was tithed...well, it was a tenth of whatever was their main crop. Whether grain, dried fruit, honey, donkeys, whatever... Malachi 3:10 says, "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse..."
I always thought the word storehouse meant the temple, but today I did some searching and found there were storehouses all over the land. Much like guarded warehouses. That makes sense to me; how could the temple keepers accept thousands of goats or donkeys, barrels of honey, kegs of wine. And who would care for all this?
An old book on Bible Manners and Customs by James Freeman says there were cisterns and buildings for holding all this. Sometimes two or three hundred of these together, the smallest holding four hundred bushels. David also had a "storehouse in the field"; some granaries were also barns.
And it required hundreds of guards to keep watch. One account I read said that where there were huge piles of grain, they were covered with thorny branches to discourage animals and thieves.
That's all I have to share with you today. Stay cool...it got to 101* here today. How about where you live??
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