Here's my 'rabbit trail' for today:
I was reading my daily devotion from Ann Spangler in my email. She quoted Gen. 21:33, "Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba...". Then I went to John Gill to read his comments, "thinks it may be the tree in Arabic they call ethel and is like a tamarisk in general, any large tree."
Then, that reminded me of the 'old-timey' names from my childhood.
My grandmother had a sister named ETHEL and her own name was MYRTLE, another type of tree. I thought, also, of other family/friend names from nature. Aunt Rose, cousin Pearl, a lady named sister, Sharon~~~we have a yard full of Rose of Sharon....and on it goes.
You don't hear those old names much anymore, unless the owner of the name is old too. Or recalls the old I am doing.
Do a TREE search sometime and see the thousands of trees God has blessed us with on earth. I came to the is a type of fig tree, often has a height of 50 ft., with an enormous trunk. The timber is of fair quality and was much valued in ancient times (1 Kings 10:27; 2 Chronicles 1:15; 9:27; Isaiah 9:10). Mummy cases and many of the best preserved wooden utensils of ancient Egyptian life are made of it.
Well, I could go on, but I'll let you do your own investigation. Saving more for another day.
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