Yeah, I missed me. I've been gone too long; guess life got ahold of me...but, I'm here now.
I have a tendency to believe almost everything I read...and I'm reading 98% of my waking hours. Just now I found a website while web-cruising that states: 1 in 8 of us on the planet don't have access to clean drinking water. I love startling statements like that because it causes me to immediately thank my God for all the clean water He lavishes on me each day. The article goes on to say it takes 24 litres of water to produce one hamburger...does that include the dew on the grass that the cow consumed? That's 816 oz....or 102 Cups...just for one hamburger. Maybe that includes hosing down the muddy cow before she enters the slaughter house. Hm,m,m.
It also says, today 2.5 billion people lack access to toilets, but many more have access to a cell phone.
It goes on, but you get the idea. I know, I personally am more conscious of water usage than I used to be.
All this reminds me of a part of NOTES FROM THE TILT-A-WHIRL, ND Wilson. He says all the water that God created in the beginning is still on earth that's super-recycling. The icicles I saw last winter might have been moving drops from a waterfall in the Garden of Eden...who knows? At any rate, I meditate on all this and conclude, "What an awesome God we have!"
"...God...who does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number: he gives rain on the earth and sends waters on the fields...." Job 5:8, 9
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