Peekers and Seekers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

pure food, no substitutes

Here's an article about the suspicions of drinking unpasteurized milk.
That makes me wonder, just what IS a pure food?  Is it pure milk when it comes directly out of the...ummm, host?  as in cow, goat, sheep?  how 'bout honey...well, that's not out of a bee, but you get the idea.  Be careful of honey if you're allergic to bee stings.  Don't eat peanuts if...don't eat shellfish if...
I remember monthly trips to my uncle's farm on the edge of town then I was young.  First thing we did was grab an enamel cup and run to the barn for uncle to fill our cup with warm, foamy milk straight out of the cow.  My mother craved the stuff, even though she had been confined to bed as a child with bovine tuberculosis.  Apparently, that disease still is watched in some dairy herds.
Just thought you might be interested.
Would I do it today?  Hmmm, let me think about that.

"Like new born infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation."
1 Peter 2:2

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