Peekers and Seekers

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Curioser and curioser.

My 'paper-whites' (see blog below) are long dead.  Pretty while they lasted.  I plan to plant them in rocks again.
At our Christmas eve table last night, Scott the head of house here, read the Luke account of Jesus' birth.  I love that my children all remember Jesus first at Christmas, presents and decorating second.
This is the first Christmas without my husband alongside me in 53 years.  He hadn't been able to hear the season tunes he loved for 30 years; I'd guess he's singing them now in person to the Lord!  Here's a photo of the first Christmas I knew him (I'm sitting on his personal Santa):
The curioser part is when I wonder what it looked like:
the look on Mary's face when she learned she would soon give birth...

the community of shepherds that went back to tell others of the Babe they saw...

the wonder felt by Simeon and Anna at the temple complex...

And so many more queries I have.
A joyous and blessed Christmas to any reading this.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting questions! I just read a book that pointed out that there is no mention of Mary riding a donkey into Bethlehem; funny the things you don't think about! E.
