Peekers and Seekers

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Don't wave back!

The "Perfect Storm" of 1991 measured waves of over 100 feet; another storm off the coast of Norway in 1995 measured  an 84 foot wall of water that hit an oil platform. Another off Portugal in 2011 measured 90 feet tall.
Hurricane Sandy: New York Harbor's surf reached a record level when a buoy measured a 32.5-foot wave. That wave was 6.5 feet taller than a 25-foot wave churned up by Hurricane Irene in 2011.
The former two hit out in the ocean; this storm struck a highly populated,er country.  The power of it sloshed around in Lake Michigan also.  The death and destruction is unfathomable to me.

I thank God everyday that our home and family escaped it.  We are safe and warm and dry.  There's not a doubt in my mind that He created the oceans and is Master of the waters...He knew about the storm since time began...we didn't learn of it until October of 2012.  Our God is powerful and awesome!

"...even the winds and the sea obey Him."   Matt. 8:27

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