I've often read in the OT the phrase, "lifter of my head." Just now I was in Psalms 3:3 where David announced that. John Gill says it is when God lifts my head, pulls my chin up maybe, when I am depressed or troubled abut something. I might walk along with my head down...grumble, grumble, grumble...and then I remember, "Ah, but my God is bigger than my trouble...". My spirit is lifted, the light is brighter when I look up, not down. To look down, my head is down, facing the ground.
Gill also mentions 'lifter' when I put on the helmet of salvation or when a soldier puts on his. I can't place the helmet on when my head is bending low...it would fall off, wouldn't it?
Lastly, he mentions how my head is lifted, held high at judgement. I can face my Lord with head held high for I have been cleared of any wrongdoing at the cross.
But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory and the lifter of my head. Ps. 3:3