One of the granddaughters married one week ago today, 9/1, here in Raleigh. She added another member to our growing family...Yay! I love big families. Today, I'm recalling weddings of other children of mine.
After 4 daughters, I had 1 son. I began my life in Christ during my eldest children's childhood. I didn't know, or think, of praying for Godly husbands for them. But with the last 2, I surely did! And God has answered that prayer...I began to pray for Godly mates for their children. Pure grace: He's answering that prayer, also.
Hurricane Isaac barely missed us. We had a lovely, sunny event next to a small lake:
Farmer's Mkt. Flowers for the event.
No cake, but lots of cupcakes!
(My husband thought this was his table.)
Handsome DJ...(disk jockey)
"I DO!"
"...the LORD God said, "it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Gen. 2:18
(That was really meant for Adam and Eve, but I like to think of it for our kids.)
happy couple