I discovered a great new site for voracious readers OR blog-hoppers, like ME! It's described in:
Not only might you find a new favorite fiction writer, but you may enter the contest for a great conference in Charlotte, NC. I entered and am hoping.
I've been working on a fiction book for juveniles for several months. It's about an 11 year-old boy whose father is bank president of a three-employee bank. The father has been stealing money in small amounts from the bank; his son discovers his stash and tries to save his father from prosecution.The setting is rural Iowa during the late 1930's...banking was different back then...I'm going on memories here, folks.
Well, that's it for today's blog...mostly want to let you know about a good thing...THE CONTEST.
You have to enter a 6 word title or 'grabber' in their comments. Mine is,
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