I'm recovering from a month-long attack...not the flu, not a real head cold...doctor said yesterday it's now STREP infection. Swell! Everybody needs this 'junk' every 10 yrs. or so, just so one appreciates what good health was like. I'm pretty contagious today...So, if I wander...or blather, please excuse me.
Just now, four adults, three women and one older man, knocked on our door, then left our yard. They were all four dressed in BLACK...from shoes to hats, carrying their brand of 'scripture'. JW's...
They all piled in the car at the curb and sat for a few minutes. I didn't pull out my binoculars, but it looked like they were praying...for me?...to whom do they pray? MY GOD says we shall have NO other gods than He; I don't believe their god is the same as my God...so who received their prayers? Did they just waste their time ...flatter their god...complete their good deed for the day????
Usually, I'm challenged when JW's knock on my door...I love to share the gospel with them, show them the joy I have in Jesus. They could have used a big dose of joy. They were downcast, black-garbed joyless figures...walking with their heads hanging...they truly looked defeated as they drove away.
Proverbs 15:23 A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!
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