It has been a pretty Fall and the weather has been grand.
I planted a large garden for me, last spring. I think there were about 30 tomato plants that I started in the house under grow lights. Because we spread cardboard and wood chips, I didn't have to weed. But, I'm not good at fertilizing so my harvest is always low.
Today we put the containers to 'bed' under a layer of heavy clear plastic. I will rake leaves over the strawberry bed soon, and the berry bushes. The hoses are drained...'moma in her kerchief and I in my cap...." a long winter's nap.
I purchased a ticket to New Orleans for over Christmas when I visit one of my daughters.
Tomorrow is the day I'm to present my slides and talk to my church seniors, sharing my trip to Romania and my missionary daughter there. I took 25 pair or so of mittens I made to give to homeless there (their winter is about the same as Iowa). So, now I'm making more most days to hand out to the homeless here in Raleigh.
I'm making more crib quilts and took 3 to Bucharest and gave them to the director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center for mothers who keep and raise their babies.
Photo below:
I'll save some for next time. colleen in raleigh