On 6/14 I flew to Kansas City to celebrate my eldest granddaughter's wedding. The next day several of us drove up to North Iowa; I was to spend 2 weeks with my sister there. On the second evening a Tornado struck the area. Homes were lifted, shifted, smashed...a cow ended up a mile away calmly eating in a pasture. Power was lost for a day or so...destruction I've seen before but never actually owned. Every year we lived there (20 years until 1994) we watched tornadoes all around, narrowly missing us.
We enjoyed a great day on 6/16, and then the wind began as we sat at supper, joking about the meager shelter they'd never had to use until that night: a 6' sq. well pit. I feel it literally saved our lives (3 of us). Strange how the plan played out:
1. God knew exactly when and how the storm would occur.
2. God made sure we had that safe pit. (I relate to Joseph and the pit in Genesis)
3. Knowing we were in the Father's care but shaking with weakened faith during the
4. Living with seeing the destruction and dealing with it. It doesn't all 'sink in'
5. It's 8 days after and I still feel shaken.
My sister and husband lost much of their house, barn, and out-buildings...they're not able to restore enough of it. My heart breaks for them. But through it all we're absolutely confident God loves and cares for us. Satan has been causing destruction of all kinds since Eden...and causes it still.
Photos of the well-pit....
A day or two after, I sent her this email:
In indicting and disciplining the wicked, do His children
sometimes feel it? I thought of “the rain falls on the just and the
unjust”…occurred to me He may have sent that storm for the wicked in N. Iowa;
some of the just were in the path. When I think of His great love for His
own I think He will replace, reward, renew for them.
I found another verse that says (or implies) His angels go ahead
of Him when He is in the storm. He was there with us that night. We
were spared. Your mobile is His. He can replace it or renew it as He sees
fit. I praise Him that you and Frank chose that spot and that home for
you to enjoy all these years. I think of so many in the Bible that were
‘uprooted’ and moved about, of saints and missionaries that have given up and
moved about.
I love you so, and still not near as much as He does.