I don't purposefully write only two blog entries a month...it just happens that way.
Today I'll write about a book I'm reading. I ordered it from Amazon and highly recommend it to you:
I read his first book earlier this year,
and have shared

on this blog already.
It's one of the BEST books I've ever read!
This latest one, is his memoirs of a kid from a really messed up family. There's a scene he recalls 2/3 through the book that made me cry. It's a harrowing scene of a teen whose chronic alcoholic father is out of control in the home. It brought back fresh memories over 50 years old of my own teen years living in a home with an alcoholic father.
I've spent the last 3-4 years reading mysteries, historical fiction...pure entertainment for the moment. But, I recently made a decision and talked it over with myself. I'm done with that! Honestly, I'm so tired of seeing people shot left and right, faces and bodies covered in blood, violence everywhere...I see enough of it on the news channels; I don't need to reserve books of the same from the library. So, if I recommend a book on this blog, you can be sure it will have some redeeming value...hopefully a lot of it!
" Open my eyes so I can see what you show me of your miracle-wonders.
I'm a stranger in these parts; give me clear directions." Psalm 119:18,19 MSG